[Warner, Richard]. Plantae Woodfordienses. A Catalogue of the More Perfect Plants growing spontaneously about Woodford in the County of Essex. 1st. Ed. Pub. for the Author, London. 1771
pp.[viii], 238 plus 2-page Errata. Small 8vo. Hardback. Engraved monogram to title-page as published. With period ownership signature of James Coxwell to ffep. With further ownership insc. incl. that of John Gilmour (dated 1933), then Gilmour gave this copy to Ted Lousley on 10th Feb 1950. Contents very clean indeed and in nr. fine condition. Contemporary full-calf boards, with some rubbing to extremities, benefiting from more recent calf spine, fine condition, preserving original spine label. A very pleasing copy of this scarce flora with charming provenance.
John Gilmour (1906 - 1986), Cambridge botanist and author, was a member of the editorial board for Collins’ New Naturalist series between 1943 and 1979. He gave this book to Ted Lousley (1907 - 1976) ‘with grateful thanks for much support & help’. Lousley was ‘one of the leading field botanists of the mid twentieth century with an unrivalled knowledge of plants and their localities’ (Bernhard and Loe). He was the author of several books, including New Naturalist No. 16 - Wild Flowers of Chalk and Limestone.
£450.00 [Ref: 67513]