Cavanilles, A.J. Hortus Regius Matritensis. O Description de Algunas Plantas Nuevas o Raras Cultivadas en el Real Jardin Botanico de Madrid o Conservadas en su Herbario. Facs. Pub. Cartonajes Suner y Del Real Jardin Botanico. 1991
pp.8, 50 with 100 loose b/w. illus. Spanish text. Contents fine all housed in nr. fine card portfolio with ties.
Antonio José Cavanilles (1745 – 1804) was a leading Spanish taxonomic botanist, artist and one of the most important figures in the 18th century period of Enlightenment in Spain. The plates herein show his high level of skill as a botanical illustrator.
£40.00 [Ref: 67158]