Grey-Wilson, C., Matthews, V. and Mathew, B. (Eds.). The Kew Magazine incorporating Curtis’s Botanical Magazine. Vol. 1 Part 1 to Vol. 39 Part 2. 1st. Ed. Pub. Bentham Moxon Trust / Blackwell. 1984-2002
Complete run of 152 parts with colour illus. and photos., plus b/w. illus. 8vo. Fine softbacks housed in cardboard magazine files. This run contains the 200th Anniversary Edition 1787-1987 (Vol. 4 Part 1) and the Special Part Erratum for Vol. 24. A wonderful run.
‘The Botanical Magazine’, later called ‘Curtis’s Botanical Magazine’ was founded in 1787. In 1970, after a long illustrious history, copyright was taken over by the Bentham Moxon Trust and in April 1984, the magazine was renamed ‘The Kew Magazine’, with Christopher Grey-Wilson as editor. Under Blackwell Publishing Ltd., and the editorship of Brian Mathew, from 1984 to 2002, the magazine reverted to its former title.
£750.00 [Ref: 66729]