Wedmore, E.B. A Manual of Bee-Keeping. For English-speaking Bee-keepers. 3rd. Ed. Pub. BBNO. 1997
pp.xxxiii, 389 with b/w. photos and figs. 8vo. Hardback. Nr. fine with a little spine lean, in nr. fine dw.
Highly recommended.
£25.00 [Ref: 63285]Wedmore, E.B. A Manual of Bee-Keeping. For English-speaking Bee-keepers. 3rd. Ed. Pub. BBNO. 1997
pp.xxxiii, 389 with b/w. photos and figs. 8vo. Hardback. Nr. fine with a little spine lean, in nr. fine dw.
Highly recommended.
£25.00 [Ref: 63285]