Akroyd, C. & McEwen, J. Swoop, Sing, Perch, Paddle. Birds by Carry Akroyd.
1st. Ed. Pub. Bloomsbury 2024 pp.144 with 132 colour illus. Small 4to. New hardback.
Brings together 132 screenprints by Carry Akroyd, celebrating British birds in all their colour and charm. Originally created for ‘The Oldie's’ Bird of the Month column, Carry's vibrant prints transport us through the seasons and across the country, from coast to coast and through forests, fields, back gardens and town centres.
£14.99 [ref: 68334]
Balmer, Dawn et al. Bird Atlas 2007-11. The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland.
1st. Ed. Pub. BTO. 2013 pp.720 with colour photos., illus., dist. maps and tables. Small folio. New hardback. RRP £69.99.
The most complete and comprehensive overview of bird distribution and change in Britain and Ireland. Contains over 1,300 maps of distribution, abundance and change, giving an assessment of the status of 296 regular breeding and wintering species.
£52.50 [ref: 55732]
Beer, Amy-Jane. RSPB Spotlight: Sparrows.
1st. Ed. Pub. Bloomsbury. 2021 pp.128 with colour photography throughout. 8vo. New softback.
Introduces readers to the life and behaviour of Sparrows with eye-catching colour photography and informative expert text.
£12.99 [ref: 61611]
Beolens, Bo., et al. The Eponym Dictionary of Birds.
1st. Ed. Pub. Bloomsbury. 2014 pp.624. A new hdbk. in new dw. A fascinating read. RRP £50.00.
Those interested in birds often come across bird names that include a person’s name, for example Bewick’s Swan or Pallas’s Warbler. Such names are called eponyms and this book explains the origins of over 4,000 eponymous names.
£45.00 [ref: 47940]
Birkhead, T. Bird Sense. What It’s Like to Be a Bird.
1st. Ed. Pub. Bloomsbury. 2012 pp.xxii, 265 with some text illus. 8vo. A new hdbk. in new dw. RRP £16.99.
Tim Birkhead has spent a lifetime studying birds. This book presents a wealth of his observations and understanding of birds and their behaviour firmly grounded in science. Easily dipped in and out of.
£15.00 [ref: 49703]
Birkhead, T. The Wonderful Mr Willughby. The First True Ornithologist.
1st. Ed. Pub. Bloomsbury. 2018 pp.xii, 353 with colour photos. and b/w. illus. 8vo. New hardback in new dw.
Willughby's ‘Ornithologiae libri tres’, published posthumously in 1676 by his friend and tutor John Ray, is considered the beginning of scientific ornithology in Europe. In this book Tim Birkhead celebrates his short life and pays tribute to the insight and scientific rigour he brought to the study of birds.
£25.00 [ref: 55367]
Black, J.M. (et al). The Barnacle Goose.
1st. Ed. Rep. Pub. Poyser. 2014 pp.287 with photos., figs and illustrated by Mark Hulme. 8vo. New hardback in new dw. RRP £75.00.
This book represents the culmination of more than 35 years of research into the Barnacle Goose.
£60.00 [ref: 63576]
Bond, T.J. A Life in Detail. The Art of Terance James Bond. Wildlife Art Series.
1st. Ed. Pub. Langford Press. 2006 pp.179 illustrated throughout. Royal 4to. New hardback in new dw. Title Number 11 in the series. Last three copies.
The fourth published book of artwork by Suffolk-born nature artist Terance James Bond featuring 130 paintings from between 1996 and 2006. Accompanied by a detailed narrative by Bond on his working practices, inspirations and the reasons for his preoccupation with birds and their environments.
£35.00 [ref: 54580]
Borrow, N. and Demey, R. Birds of Western Africa.
Pub. Helm. 2004 pp.512 with 148 colour plates. 8vo. A new softback. RRP £29.99.
The first comprehensive field guide to the 23 western African countries - from Mauritania east to Chad and south to Congo, including all the island groups.
£27.00 [ref: 43730]
Brewer, D. Birds New to Science. Fifty Years of Avian Discoveries.
1st. Ed. Pub. Christopher Helm. 2018 pp.415 with numerous colour photos. 4to. A new hdbk. RRP £45.00.
The fascinating stories behind the discovery, over the last fifty years, of more than three hundred new bird species.
£42.50 [ref: 54037]