Alford, David V. A Color Atlas of Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers.
1st. Ed. Pub. Timber Press. 2003 pp.448 with 1,059 colour photos. 4to. Hardback. New. Out-of-print.
An authoritative and profusely illustrated account of the pests of ornamental plants. A great reference for their recognition, biology and controls.
£40.00 [ref: 61096]
Aptroot, A. Lichens of St Helena.
1st. Ed. Pub. Pisces Publications. 2012 pp.116 with over 220 species illustrated in colour photographs. Covers all known species, including at least 9 endemics. New softback.
The remote tropical island of St Helena lies in the South Atlantic Ocean, 1,800 km from Africa, is home to a rich flora and fauna of global importance. This identification guide is the first full treatment since the 19th century, and brings together a wealth of new information based on extensive studies by the author.
£11.95 [ref: 47947]
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Arditti, J. (Ed.). Orchid Biology. Reviews and Perspectives, IV.
1st. Ed. Pub. Comstock. 1987 pp.349 with numerous b/w. photos. and figs. Crown 4to. A new hardback in new dw. Out-of-print.
The opening chapter of this book traces the development of orchid cultivation in South East Asia. Subsequent chapters deal with aspects of orchid evolution and structure. Concludes with an extensive appendix on orchid diseases.
£30.00 [ref: 54493]
Beentje, H. & Bandeira, S. Field Guide to the Mangrove Trees of Africa and Madagascar.
1st. Ed. Pub. RBG Kew. 2007 pp.91 with detailed line drawings, maps and supporting photos. 8vo. Softback. New.
On the edge of land and sea, these trees are an important resource for shoreline communities. Their timber is used in construction and carpentry, for firewood and dyes, in cordage and medicinal products. Describes and illustrates all species of mangrove trees.
£40.00 [ref: 56729]
Bock, A. (et al). An Ancient Mesopotamian Herbal.
1st. Ed. Pub. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2023 pp.200 with colour photos., colour and b/w. illus. 8vo. New hardback. RRP £30.00.
A selection of 25 herbal and medicinal plants from ancient Iraq, with evidence of their use from ancient written sources. Includes useful introductory material on methods of administration.
£27.00 [ref: 68331]
Clark, L.J. Wild Flowers of the Pacific Northwest.
3rd. Ed. Pub. Harbour. 1998 pp.xi, 604 with 550 colour photographs. 4to. A new hdbk. with new dw. Latest edition. RRP. £49.99.
This is the comprehensively revised third edition. Highly recommended, it considers 782 species and sub-species.
£40.00 [ref: 51615]
Clayton, Dudley. Charles Parish - Plant Hunter and Botanical Artist in Burma.
1st. Ed. Pub. The Ray Society. 2017 pp.xii, 278 with 148 reproductions from Parish’s two-volume ‘Drawings of Orchidacea’. 4to. New hardback in new dw. RRP £85.00.
As chaplain to the Honourable East India Company forces in Burma (Myanmar), Charles Parish (1822–1897) arrived in Tenasserim province in 1852. During the following 25 years, he studied the flora of the region, collected botanical specimens, particularly orchids, and discovered and recorded new species.
£50.00 [ref: 62162]
Cope, T. The Wild Flora of Kew Gardens. A Cumulative Checklist from 1759.
1st. Ed. Pub. RBG, Kew. 2009, 305 with colour photos., throughout. 8vo. New softback. RRP £32.99
With nearly 2,000 taxa included, this book notes the past and present distribution of wild species within the Gardens, and demonstrates the extent to which the wild flora of the Kew estate has changed over the last 250 years.
£25.00 [ref: 57352]
Cornejo, F. & Janovec, J. Seeds of Amazonian Plants.
Pub. Princeton. 2010 pp.xxviii, 155 with colour photos. and two b/w. illus. plates. 8vo. New softback.
The first field guide to treat the extraordinary diversity of seeds and diaspores of plants commonly encountered in the Amazon and other lowland moist forests of the American tropics. Stunningly illustrated it features an easy-to-use whole-plant approach to seed identification. Provides detailed descriptions not only of the seeds but also of the habit, trunk, bark, leaves, infructescence, and fruit of Amazonian plants
£24.95 [ref: 49329]
Creed, P. & Hudson, R. A Guide to Finding Orchids. In Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire.
1st. Ed. Pub. Pisces Publications. 2013 pp.73 with colour photographs throughout. Small 8vo. New softback.
These counties are home to 36 species of orchid and this guide features a full description of each species. Includes flowering times and best places to look, with over 80 superb full-colour photographs.
£5.95 [ref: 54602]