Badham, Charles David. A Treatise on the Esculent Funguses of England.
2nd. Ed. Pub. Lovell Reeve. 1863 pp.xvi, 152 with 12 fine hand coloured plates to rear plus 16-page Lovell Reeve catalogue. 8vo. Hardback. Contents fine. Original gilt decorated boards nr. fine.
£175.00 [ref: 38481]
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Barla, J.-B. Flore Mycologique Illustree. Les Champignons des Alpes-Maritimes. Avec l’indication de leurs proprietes utiles ou nuisibles.
New Ed. Pub. Libreria Basso, Alassio. 1996 pp.80, 81-110 plus 64 full-colour plates. Hardback. Folio. Bound in quarter leather over marbled boards. Fine condition. Scarce.
This is both a very pleasing reproduction of the original work published in 1888, with the addition of a 28-page section which makes the text more accessible to current readers. Contributors to the new section include Marcel Bon and Massimo Candusso.
£150.00 [ref: 58847]
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Blaikie, Francis. On the Conversion of Arable Land into Pasture and on other Rural subjects.
1st. Ed. Pub. J. Dawson. 1817 pp.47. 16mo. Sewn softback. Contents very clean. Internal stitching given way in places. Original printed wrappers in vg. condition. Scarce.
Francis Blaikie, (1771-1857) agriculturist and land agent was born in Roxburghshire, Scotland and made his way to England in 1802. He was employed by Lord Chesterfield, then in 1816 he moved to Holkham Hall, Norfolk to work as Land Steward to Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester and to whom this work is dedicated.
£95.00 [ref: 59942]
Boutcher, William. A Treatise on Forest-Trees: Containing not only the best Methods of their Culture hitherto published, but a variety of new and useful discoveries, the result of many repeated experiments.
1st. Ed. Pub. R. Fleming, Edinburgh. 1775 pp.4, xlviii, 259 plus 3-page postscript. 4to. Hardback. Neat, early, signature to title-page. Contents thor. vg. to nr. fine with intermittent minor spotting. Does not contain the engraved title (present in a small number of copies) and not signed by the author. More recent handsome quarter cloth over marbled boards, lightly marked o/w. fine. A very pleasing copy.
William Boutcher was a nurseryman at Comely Garden, Edinburgh. His ‘A Treatise on Forest-Trees’ ‘was the best eighteenth-century work published on the subject and, in the opinion of Edlin, it still contains ‘much of interest and practical application in present-day forest nurseries’.’ (Henrey).
£160.00 [ref: 64606]
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Bromfield, William Arnold., (Hooker, Sir W.J. & Salter, T.B. (Eds.)). Flora Vectensis. Being a systematic description of the Phaenogamous or Flowering Plants and Ferns indigenous to the Isle of Wight.
1st. Ed. Pub. William Pamplin. 1856 pp.xxxv, 678 with map. 8vo. Hardback. Contemporary binding of green full-calf leather, richly decorated on spine and boards - spine professionally relaid, all in near fine condition. All edges marbled with matching marbled end-papers. Contents beautifully clean and in fine condition. Association copy, with dedication of ‘To the Rev. John Vernon, with the best wishes of the Author’s Sister’ neatly written on ffep. With the ‘Botanico-Topographic’ map which shows some wear at folds, still in vg. condition. Scarce, especially so with the map.
This work was published in two formats, one with the map, the other without.
£995.00 [ref: 53745]
Cavanilles, Antoni-Josep. Icones et Descriptiones Plantarum Quae Aut Sponte in Hispania Crescunt aut in Hortis Hospitantur.
Facs. Pub. Generalitat Valenciana. 1995 Six volume set with 600 fine b/w. botanical engravings. Folio. Softbacks with dws. Repaired tear to Vol. V. dw. and card cover o/w. all vols. in nr. fine to fine condition.
A very well produced facsimile of Cavanilles sumptuous work illustrating plants growing in Spain, either naturally or in gardens, originally published in 1793.
£300.00 [ref: 65514]
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Dalechamp, Jacques. Histoire générale des plantes, contenant XVIII livres également départis en deux tomes: Tirée de l'exemplaire latin de la bibliothèque de M. Jacques Dalechamps, puis faite françoise par M. Jean Des Moulins. Dernière édition corrigée.
2nd French Edition Pub. Lyon. 1653 Two volumes comprising 2,752 woodcuts, a number of which were made especially for this work. Hardback. Folio. All edges marbled. Contents complete with some pagination errors to Tome 1. Several leaves at the beginning of each volume repaired at blank gutter. Old water-marking (common in herbals) to both volumes, more extensive in Tome 2, nevertheless the contents overall are in thoroughly very good condition. Bound in contemporary full-leather, professionally restored in places, all in thoroughly very good condition.
The second, and last, French edition of Dalechamp's famous herbal - this edition being the most complete one in the French language. Prov: We know that this copy was at one point owned by Sir Frank Crisp (b. 1843 - d. 1949) the English lawyer and microscopist. After 1919, the books went into the library of Sir Edwin Hartland (b. 1848 - d. 1927) and after his passing away in 1936, they were donated to Gloucester Council. The most recent owner being Prof. Grenville (Gren) Lucas OBE, much loved botanist and conservationist (b. 1935 - d. 2022).
£1,795.00 [ref: 66524]
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Dodoens, Rembert. A New Herball or Historie of Plants. Henrie Lyte.
3rd. English Ed. Corr. & Amen., London, Edm. Bollifant. 1595 pp.[xl], 916, [48]. Black letter, title within woodcut decorative border. Crown 4to. AEG. Contents in nr. fine condition. Nineteenth century half-calf leather over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt lettering and decoration, showing a little wear to spine, o/w. in thor. vg. condition. Prov: Neat private library stamp to pastedowns (Rothamsted, Lawes Trust, acquired by them in 1915). Henrey 112.
Henry Lyte first translated Dodoens’ celebrated herbal in 1578. The copy offered for sale here is the corrected and amended edition of 1595. Lyte’s work is held in high esteem. Agnes Arber commented that he was ‘no mere mechanical translator, for the herbal [Lyte’s own copy] is annotated and corrected, [with] references to de l’Obel and Turner being inserted’.
£3,950.00 [ref: 55027]
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Duppa, Richard. The Classes and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany. Illustrated by Select Specimens of Foreign and Indigenous Plants.
1st. Ed. Pub. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. 1816 Three volume set with 240 fine copper engraved plates of which 237 are hand-coloured and three are b/w. (as published), with the Dictionary of Botanical terms and Index at end of Vol. III. 8vo. Hardbacks. AEG. Contents in near fine condition. Contemporary full, straight grain, leather binding, with richly decorated spines and borders, gently rubbed, o/w. nr. fine. A very pleasing set indeed.
‘This work is intended to be a complete illustration of the Linnaean system of Botany’. It was published in both coloured and un-coloured issues.
£2,950.00 [ref: 60286]
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Elwes, Henry John. The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland.
1st. Ed. Privately Pub. In Edinburgh. 1906 - 1913 Eight volume set (including the Index volume). Frontispieces, colour printed titles and 414 plates all present as published. Large 4to. Hardbacks. TEG. Some foxing, o/w. contents fine. With bookplate of Marquess of Headfort to front paste down of all vols. Three handwritten notes loosely inserted (on Marquess of Headfort headed notepaper) on which updates on trees featured in Elwes’ work are given. Contemporary binding of half morocco leather over cloth boards, with spines lettered in gilt, in thor. vg. condition, a little shelf-rubbed in places, spines showing some sunning.
A magnificent work. Just 500 sets published.
£2,250.00 [ref: 61237]