Ainsworth, G.C. & Waterhouse, G.M. British County Foray Lists. (Up to the end of 1986).
1st. Ed. Pub British Mycological Soc. 1989 pp.36. 8vo. Nr. fine softback.
£5.00 [ref: 59703]
Ainsworth, G.C. and Sampson, K. The British Smut Fungi. (Ustilaginales).
1st. Ed. Pub. C.A.B. 1950 pp.137 with b/w. figs. Large 8vo. From the library of E.A. Ellis (author of New Naturalist No.46 - The Broads), with his stamp to ffep and dedicated to him by both authors. With a good number of annotations (some dated) to text by Ellis. Contents nr. fine. Original cloth boards in vg. plus condition. Loosely inserted is a brief obituary of E.A. Ellis from ‘The Times’ (1986).
The obituary notes that Ellis’ ‘was an expertise which came from a lifetime of observation rather than from books, and he carried out painstaking research on fungi and ivy’ which is in part shown through the annotations made to this copy of ‘The British Smut Fungi’.
£75.00 [ref: 65796]
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Andrews, Patrick. Agaricus and other Fungi. July 1982 - February 2005
Handwritten records. 1982-2005 Three A4 notepads. Almost 23 years of neat, highly detailed, handwritten records along with detailed pencil and ink sketches mainly, but not exclusively, recording details of mushrooms belonging to the genus Agaricus. Many of the specimens were found in Berkshire in the area to the south-east of Reading around Shinfield, Arborfield, Farley Hill and Swallowfield, but there are also records from further afield - e.g. at Kenfig Burrows Nature Reserve in Wales. Loosely included are a number of letters to Dr. Andrews on matters mycological. A remarkable, unique record.
Dr. Patrick Andrews was a keen and committed amateur mycologist and member of the British Mycological Society who had a wide correspondence including with acknowledged specialists in the field.
£195.00 [ref: 61442]
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Bigelow, H.E. & Thiers, H.D. (Eds.). Studies on Higher Fungi. A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Dr. Alexander H. Smith on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday.
1st. Ed. Pub. J Cramer. 1975, 372 with 2 tipped-in colour plates, b/w., photos., and illus. Large 8vo. Fine softback. Scarce.
£80.00 [ref: 57185]
Boekhout, T. A Revision of Ballistoconidia-Forming Yeasts and Fungi.
1st. Ed. Pub. Inst. of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Lettres. 1991 pp.194 with b/w. line drawings. Large 8vo. Softback. Very gently sunned spine, o/w. a fine copy. Scarce.
£45.00 [ref: 57186]
Boudier, E. Histoire et classification des Discomycetes d’Europe. Description des genres avec indication des especes, historique, localites et epoques de recolte, oranographie partie chimique, usages, etc.
Pub. Librarie des sciences naturelles. 1907 pp.vii, 221. Contents written in French. Some minor foxing to first few pages. Useful photocopies loosely inserted in rear. Blue cloth boards with speckled decoration to fore-edge of text block. Spine and boards gently sunned. A very good hdbk. copy. Scarce.
£80.00 [ref: 47536]
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Brand, A.W. European Agaricus Species. [with the] Second Edition Supplement.
2nd. Ed. Pub. A.W. Brand. 1987-1988 Two volumes, pp.185, 29. 4to. Dedication by author to ffep. Nr. fine softbacks. From the library of Drs. Patrick & Joyce Andrews with a letter from the author to Patrick discussing the difficulties of identifying specimens loosely inserted. With some annotations by Patrick. Scarce.
A privately printed manuscript described by A.W. Brand as a ‘compilation’. He discusses the difficulties of identifying individual species and he goes on to say “This is not an attempt to revise Agaricus......The purpose of this paper is to draw together and attempt to co-relate the available information from the very scattered sources and present it in a useable form.” The Supplement contains a translation of an article by Henri Mesplede entitled ‘Le Genre Psalliota - Revision’, published in the Bulletin de la Societe Mycologique du Bearn in 1981/82.
£80.00 [ref: 58741]
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Brand, B. et al. Guide to the Literature for the Identification of British Basidiomycetes.
1st. Ed. Pub. British Mycological Soc. [2001] pp.51. 8vo. Fine softback.
£12.00 [ref: 59706]
Bray, R.J. The Names of Fungi.
2nd. Ed. Pub. R.J. Bray. 2001 pp.56. 8vo. Small ownership label. Nr. fine softback.
A glossary of terms used to describe fungi. A copy of the second, corrected and slightly expanded, edition.
£9.00 [ref: 68742]
Byford, W.J. & Noble, Dr. M. (Eds.). Bulletin of the British Mycological Society: Volume 1 (1967) to Volume 10 (1976) inclusive.
1st. Ed. Pub. British Mycological Society. 1967-1976 Consecutive run of 20 journals with b/w. illus. 8vo. Small ownership stamp to front cover of each journal. Nr. fine run.
£100.00 [ref: 61445]