Adam, Brother. In Search of the Best Strains of Bees. And the Results of the Evaluation of the Crosses and Races.
Fac. Rep. Pub. Northern Bee Books / Dadant & Sons. 2010 pp.206 with plates and photograph frontispiece. 8vo. A new softback.
£12.50 [ref: 48466]
Aslin, P. Cleaning Beeswax and Making Polish.
1st. Ed. Pub. Trees and Bees. 2018 pp12 with colour photos. 8vo. New softback.
Explains how to clean raw beeswax for use in crafts such as candles, cosmetics and polish. Contains simple polish recipes.
£5.00 [ref: 54437]
Aslin, P. Make your own Beeswax and Honey Skin Creams.
1st. Ed. Pub. Trees and Bees. 2018 pp.12 with colour photos. 8vo. New softback.
Requiring no specialist equipment, or fancy ingredients, it is quite easy to make simple, effective skin creams using beeswax and honey. This booklet explains how and contains several recipes.
£5.00 [ref: 54439]
Aslin, P. Making Beeswax Candles.
1st. Ed. Pub. Trees and Bees. 2018 pp.12 with colour photos. 8vo. New softback.
Explains the basics and outlines different methods of making candles: rolled sheets; dipped; moulded; teacup and tea light candles.
£5.00 [ref: 54438]
Assaf, A.K. The Honey Book. Health, Healing & Recipes.
1st. Ed. Pub. HarperCollins. 2021 pp.144 with colour illus. throughout. Small 8vo. New hardback.
From baking to hangover cures, cosmetics to haircare, The Honey Book is the ultimate guide to this liquid perfection and the myriad applications it has to offer.
£9.99 [ref: 60630]
Aston, D. & Bucknall, S. Good Nutrition Good Bees.
1st. Ed. Pub. NBB. 2021 pp.428. 4to. New softback.
Considers the role of good nutrition for honey bees in the British Isles and the implications of these requirements for beekeepers and their beekeeping management techniques and for those who manage land on which forage for honey bees and other pollinators might be grown.
£30.00 [ref: 61019]
Aston, D. and Bucknall, S. Keeping Healthy Honey Bees.
Pub. NBB. 2010 pp.xii, 194 with b/w. photographs. 4to. A new softback.
This book is packed full of relevant, practical information backed up by sufficient theory to suit the purists. It is easy to read and the layout cannot be faulted. Everything a budding beekeeper or one with many years experience, needs to know is here.
£17.00 [ref: 45202]
Aston, D. and Bucknall, S. Plants and Honey Bees. Their relationships.
Rep. Pub. NBB. 2009 pp.151 with illustrations. 8vo. A new softback.
This book is about the European honey, or hive bee, Apis mellifera and the flowers and plants it utilises in the British Isles.
£20.50 [ref: 40183]
Atherton, D. Wax Extraction for the Back Yard Beekeeper.
1st. Ed. Pub. NBB. 2021 pp.35 with colour photos. throughout. Large 8vo. New softback.
A detailed description of a solar wax extractor built largely from reclaimed materials.
£8.95 [ref: 61014]
Baldock, D. W. Bees of Surrey.
1st. Ed. Pub. Surrey Wildlife Trust. 2008 pp.303 with colour photos. and dist. maps. 8vo. Beekeeper’s bookplate. Fine hardback in fine dw.
This wonderful book covers all 222 different species recorded in Surrey to date illustrating nearly 100 of them in a series of superb colour photographs. In addition to information on the status and distribution of each species the book also contains chapters on the behaviour of bees, where to find them and how to identify them.
£15.00 [ref: 64207]