Brickell, C. Garden Plants. In Association with the RHS.
Pub. BCA. 1995 pp.240 with colour photographs throughout. A vg. copy in same dw.
£5.00 [ref: 40763]
Brickell, C. & Joyce, D. Royal Horticultural Society - Pruning & Training.
1st. Pub. Dorling Kindersley. 1996 pp.336 with many fine illustrations and photographs. A vg. plus in dw. of which the spine has faded.
£18.00 [ref: 39665]
Brickell, C. & Joyce, D. The Royal Horticultural Society - Pruning & Training.
1st. Ed. Pub. Dorling Kindersley. 1996 pp.336 with colour photos. and illus. throughout. 4to. Fine hardback in nr. fine dw.
£12.50 [ref: 60339]
Brown, Jane. Sissinghurst. Portrait of a Garden.
1st. Ed. Pub. Weidenfeld. 1990 pp.136 with colour photos. throughout. 4to. Nr. fine hardback in thor. vg. dw.
£15.00 [ref: 63051]
Buczacki, S. &. Harris, K. Collins Shorter Guide to the Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Garden Plants.
Pub. Collins. 1983 pp. 319 with twenty-four colour plates. Vg. hdbk. in vg. dw.
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Bullivant, Elizabeth. Dried Fresh Flowers. From Your Garden.
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£10.00 [ref: 64387]
Cambridgeshire Gardens Trust. The Gardens of Cambridgeshire. A Gazetteer of over 400 Gardens.
1st. Ed. Pub. Cambridgeshire Gardens Trust. 2000 pp.iii, 187 with b/w. illus. and maps. 8vo. Occasional neat annotation in margin, o/w. a fine softback.
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Cameron, R. Great Comp and its Garden. One couple’s achievement in seven acres.
1st. Ed. Pub. Bachman & Turner. 1981 pp.184 with colour and b/w. photos. Royal 8vo. With signatures of R. and J.T. Cameron. A fine hdbk. in vg. plus dw.
£15.00 [ref: 51637]
Caplan, B. (Ed.). The Complete Manual of Organic Gardening.
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Charles, G. Cacti and Succulents. An illustrated guide to the plants and their cultivation.
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Over 250 different species or genera and their natural habitats are described in this book and the author gives advice on all aspects of care and cultivation. An invaluable guide and reference book.
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