Armitage, A.M. Armitage’s Garden Perennials. A Colour Encyclopedia.
Pub. Timber Press. 2000 pp.323 with colour photographs throughout. A vg. copy in same dw.
£12.00 [ref: 40759]
Bacon, Lionel. Alpines.
Rep. Pub. Garden Book Club. 1975 pp.246 with b/w. photos. & line drawings. 8vo. Nr. fine hardback in vg. plus dw.
A comprehensive survey of the cultivation of alpine and rock plants.
£3.00 [ref: 67740]
Baker, T. and Leston, G.L. Land and Engineering Surveying. For Students and Practical Use.
29th. Ed. Pub. The Technical Press. 1945 pp.xii, 248 with b/w. plates (one folding) & text figs. 8vo. With ownership insc. of ‘Milner White’ to ffep. Contents fine. Original cloth boards thor. vg.
A textbook for students beginning with a chapter on practical geometry.
£10.00 [ref: 67746]
Barker, J. Everlasting Daisies of Australia. Identification, Propagation, Cultivation.
1st. Ed. Pub. C.H. Jerram & Assoc. 2002 pp.xii, 196 with colour photos., throughout. Large 8vo. Bookplate. Nr. fine softback. Out-of-print. Very scarce.
The result of five years of work by the Australian Daisy Study Group, this book covers all of the species in twelve genera of everlasting daisies. There are chapters on growing everlasting daisies, propagation, floral arrangements, floriculture, reproduction and hybridisation.
£65.00 [ref: 56250]
Barker, J.T. The Beauty of Flowers in Field and Wood: Containing the Natural Orders or Families of British Wild Plants; with their Moral Teachings Illustrated.
1st. Ed. Pub. Binns & Goodwin. [n.d. c.1852] pp.xii, 228 with 10 hand-coloured plates plus 20 page publisher’s catalogue. With additional illustrated title-page. 8vo. Hardback. AEG. Period signature. Contents fine. Original gilt and blind decorated cloth binding thor. vg. / nr. fine. Scarce.
“Designed to make botany simple, and field and wood rambles instructive and agreeable.”
£225.00 [ref: 60773]
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Barnard, T. and Clark, J. (Eds.). Lord Burlington: Architecture, Art and Life.
1st. Ed. Pub. The Hambledon Press. 1995 pp.xviii, 328 with b/w. illus. 4to. Fine hardback with a little light spotting to endpapers in nr. fine dw.
A biography of Burlington, architect and patron of the arts with particular attention to his achievement at Chiswick House.
£22.50 [ref: 63376]
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Bath, T. & Jones, J. Hardy Geraniums. The Gardener’s Guide to Growing.
Pub. David & Charles. 2000 pp.157 with many attractive photos. Fine in dw. A most useful guide to those interested in this group of plants.
£12.50 [ref: 36606]
Bath, Trevor & Jones, Joy. Hardy Geraniums. The Gardener’s Guide to Growing.
1st. Ed. Pub. David & Charles. 1994 pp.157 with many col. photos. and line drawings. Large 8vo. Title page signed ‘All best wishes, Trevor (Bath)’. Fine hardback in fine dw.
A most useful guide to those interested in this group of plants. Considers over 220 hardy geraniums including American and Australian species and exotics from all over the world. Propagation is covered in depth.
£10.00 [ref: 66049]
Beales, P. A Passion for Roses.
1st. Ed. Pub. Mitchell Beazley. 2004 pp.256 with colour photos. throughout. 4to. Fine hardback in nr. fine dw.
Peter Beales was considered one of the leading experts on roses. In this book he distils more than 50 years experience into an essential book for rose-gardeners. He shares his unequalled knowledge of growing, breeding, selling, and championing roses, discusses a wide range of rose varieties, and demonstrates how to create perfect colour and architectural plant combinations.
£20.00 [ref: 64152]
Beales, Peter. A Passion for Roses.
1st. Ed. Pub. Mitchell Beazley. 2004 pp.256 with colour photos. throughout. 4to. With dedication ‘To Terry, Warm Regards, Peter Beales, December 04’ to title page. Fine hardback in fine dw.
Peter Beales was considered one of the leading experts on roses. In this book he distils more than 50 years experience into an essential book for rose-gardeners. He shares his unequalled knowledge of growing, breeding, selling, and championing roses, discusses a wide range of rose varieties, and demonstrates how to create perfect colour and architectural plant combinations.
£38.00 [ref: 64260]
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